6 Amazing Herbal Remedies For Arthritis: By N. Steele RN, BSN,MPH



6 Amazing Herbal Remedies For Arthritis

Arthritis is a condition typically caused by inflammation of the joints. It can come with many symptoms, including pain and stiffness in your joints, swelling in your fingers or toes, and a limited range of motion. In this post, we are going to explore some herbal remedies for arthritis that may help you live more comfortably!
The first thing we are going to talk about is turmeric - an amazing herb that has been used for centuries in India as a natural remedy for various ailments like arthritis. Turmeric contains curcumin which is said to be one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory agents on earth! Second up: ginger. This root has been used extensively throughout history as a food additive and medicinal plant; however, it's a most popular use.

What is Arthritis

 Arthritis can be a debilitating condition, especially in the joints. By definition, arthritis is " a disorder of the joints characterized by pain, swelling, stiffness, and loss of function ."

Why does this arthritis happen?

Although quite common arthritis occurs due to various reasons, one being due to the aging process. That does not mean arthritis can't be avoided or prevented, although there seems to be no cure as of yet for arthritis, some women have gone through treatments that slow arthritis down and relieve arthritis pain. Another reason women end up getting arthritis is due to the fact that arthritis can be inherited from the mother, arthritis is a genetic disease. Although arthritis may not be able to be avoided there are some things that can help prevent arthritis:

The first thing you should do is eat a healthy diet and maintain your weight within the recommended amounts, as this will help decrease arthritis pain. With arthritis, it's important to stay active and exercise regularly. The muscles around joints are supported by lots of bone and cartilage, regular exercising helps keep these tissues strong so they support the joints properly. Exercise also energizes you which makes it easier to get through normal daily activities as well as improving mobility problems that come with arthritis. Getting enough rest at night is essential because when all your energy stores have been used up your muscle fibers become sore.

Types Of Arthritis

There are three types of arthritis, Osteoarthritis which is arthritis due to the degeneration of cartilage. Psoriatic arthritis occurs when psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis develops into arthritis. And Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects many organs in your body including the joints. There are 6 different categories for arthritis and include Osteoarthritis, Psoriatic, and Rheumatoid. Arthritis is more common than you think.

Osteoarthritis: This type of arthritis damages cartilage, increases friction between bones and causes inflammation throughout tendons, ligaments, muscles, joints, and nerves.

Psoriatic arthritis on the other hand is arthritis that is caused by or accompanies psoriasis. Psoriatic arthritis affects approximately 1 in 30 people with psoriasis, which is the most common autoimmune disease.

Rheumatoid arthritis: This type of arthritis, also known as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or simply RA, is a type of chronic inflammatory arthritis characterized by persistent inflammation and destruction of joint tissues. Rheumatoid arthritis primarily involves the small joints in your hands and feet but can occur in other locations. The synovium becomes inflamed and causes swelling around a joint. As this process continues, the bone underneath the cartilage may begin to be exposed, causing pain and loss of normal movement.

What are the Risk Factors for Arthritis

Some of the risk factors for arthritis are age, gender, and family history. arthritis is a common condition and can appear at any age, females are more likely than males to develop arthritis earlier in life. Arthritis causes damage throughout the entire body including the muscles, joints, and ligaments. Arthritis can have many different signs and symptoms and affect people of all ages. It affects women 2 times more often than men. Arthritis also affects people of both genders equally as they get older.

What are the Symptoms Of Arthritis?

Common symptoms include pain, stiffness in the joints, redness, and sometimes difficulty with range of motion.

Arthritis can trigger flare-ups, arthritis flares up is when arthritis symptoms occur for longer than usual or frequently come back again after a period of time with no signs or symptoms.

6 Best Herbal Remedies for Arthritis


Tumeric is noted for its ability to prevent arthritis and inflammation, it is a very powerful anti-inflammatory herb used in the treatment of arthritis. The recommended dosage of this herb is about 9 kilograms per day depending on the severity of arthritis symptoms. Turmeric contains curcumin which has potent anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin works as follows; It inhibits COX -1 and COX -2 enzymes that are responsible for the production of inflammatory compounds like prostaglandin and thromboxane A2 respectively. By inhibiting these enzymes curcumin can reduce pain in individuals. However, it should be used with black pepper in order to increase its bioavailability.

Arthritis is a degenerative condition that worsens even with no changes in the weather or activity level. When arthritis attacks your spinal column, it can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. The turmeric herb helps reduce pain associated with arthritis in the back by blocking enzymes COX -1 and COX -2 thereby reducing inflammation. This reduces joint pain as well as stiffness experienced from arthritis in the back.

Arthritis sufferers can seek natural remedies like turmeric to help them relieve their pain caused by arthritis conditions because it has similar potency as drugs without any side effects.


Ginger has been used for thousands of years as an antiinflammatory and as such is vital in the treatment of arthritis. Arthritis is a disease that starts in the joints and gradually moves up throughout the body. It can be managed by taking ginger, especially in warm milk preferably nut milk which helps to reduce the inflammation of arthritis as well as healing it. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, arthritis sufferers can use ginger freely without worrying about any side effects such as indigestion or acid reflux even after taking large doses of this herb.

One of the most important things for arthritis sufferers is to exercise regularly and ginger helps them do that because it reduces pain and makes movement easier since arthritis dries joints making them stiffer than they should be. Ginger has been shown to aid mobility amongst arthritis sufferers due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic abilities.


Arthritis in the joint can be very hard to manage especially in the mornings when the joints are stiff. Oregano oil has been found to be very useful in arthritis treatment. Oregano oil is derived from the oregano plant which contains some active ingredients that are said to help in easing arthritis pain.

The anti-inflammatory properties of oregano and its natural antioxidants are the main reason why it helps with arthritis management. Antioxidants are substances found naturally in organic fruits such as apples, blueberries, cranberries, and so on. Antioxidants help in eliminating free radicals that cause premature aging of a person's skin. They also stop oxidative stress brought about by harmful toxins and heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, etc. And last but not least they strengthen a person's immune system thus keeping them healthy all through their lives.

When applied topically oregano oil can be very beneficial for the joints and arthritis symptoms. It is often used in arthritis creams, arthritis massage oil, and arthritis balms because of its proven effectiveness in treating arthritis pain. Oregano oil helps with arthritis due to its properties that help relieve arthritis inflammation and other symptoms like stiffness, swelling, aching, soreness, tiredness, etc. These are all signs of arthritis disease.


Cayenne pepper has been used for years for pain, especially in the joints. It has been proven by arthritis sufferers and people with arthritis-like symptoms to help relieve joint pain, inflammation, and stiffness.

This herb is also antiseptic, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory.

Cayenne pepper benefits your whole body as well as arthritis relief. Some of its many uses are :

1) Helps digestion problems, especially gas pains 2) Controls blood sugar levels 3) Helps prevent heartburn 4) Reduces arthritis flare-ups 5) Cleanses the colon 6 ) Stimulates metabolism 7) Improves circulation 8 ) Increases energy 9 ) Lowers bad cholesterol 10 ) Fights infection 11 ) Relieves headaches 12 )Acts as a mild sedative 13) Stops muscle spasms.

To use cayenne pepper for arthritis it is important that you know how to take it correctly. It is most effective when used as a home remedy, but you may also find cayenne in some arthritis creams and ointments. There are simple steps you can follow to using cayenne pepper for arthritis relief:

1)  Take between 1/2 teaspoon ( two tablespoons of fresh cayenne powder ) and three teaspoons daily 2) Add cayenne directly into food that you are cooking 3) Mix crushed or powdered peppers with olive oil, rub on arthritis area 4) You can use a cream or salve containing capsicum 5) Make an infusion by heating the pepper in hot water.


Aloe vera is a great healing plant and is especially beneficial for joint pain.

Arthritis sufferers who add aloe vera juice to their daily diet can experience more rapid relief from arthritis symptoms than those who do not use aloe vera.

Arthritis sufferers reported significant improvement in pain, range of motion, and joint stiffness within 4 weeks of using the aloe supplement. Lessening of swelling was also noted by some arthritis sufferers, including one arthritis sufferer who said that "swelling in my hands disappeared".

The research shows that arthritis patients should ingest 2 ounces of aloe vera juice per day for optimal results. It's important to drink an additional 8 ounces of water with every 2 ounces serving, as drinking only water after taking aloe can result in diarrhea or dehydration. Some side effects may be mild but it is important to note that aloe vera should not be used for arthritis if you are taking arthritis medications such as ibuprofen, indomethacin, or acetaminophen. If you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or a stomach ulcer.

Ask your doctor first before using aloe vera to treat arthritis. As aloe is regulated in the US as a dietary supplement, it often falls outside of the purview of prescription control and may interact negatively with some prescribed arthritis medications or other prescription drugs such as diuretics or antibiotics.

Aloe has been found to be effective in treating arthritis even when compared to over-the-counter arthritis treatments like ibuprofen and aspirin (which are considered very useful).

Aloe vera gel can be used for arthritis by removing the gel from the aloe vera plant and rubbing it directly on inflamed joints.

However, arthritis may also be treated with fresh aloe leaf juices or by taking supplements that contain this compound.


Rosemary essential oil has been useful for various conditions but has been especially beneficial for treating arthritis. This essential oil can be used in many forms; the most common ones being as a message carrier, for compresses, or for steam inhalation.

Massage rosemary essential oil arthritis treatment is one of the easiest ways to benefit from this essential oil arthritis relief properties. Just massaging it into your joints through simple techniques, will provide arthritis pain relief and arthritis finger joint pains.

Steam Inhalation Using rosemary every day can help arthritis symptoms even when you experience arthritis flares. You can boil water and add rosemary essential oil or dry rosemary leaves and then inhale them using a towel over your head. Both methods work equally well but some prefer rosemary dry leaves to fresh rosemary leaves, as the dry ones are more potent.

Benefits of rosemary essential oil include pain relief from the joints and arthritis.

Using a cold compress is another arthritis treatment method used. This involves using ice cubes and placing them under the affected area and massaging them on arthritis finger joints, arthritis wrists, arthritis ankles, or arthritis thumb joints. This will help reduce arthritis pain and help you relax as well.

Hot compress If hot compress is more suitable for you then rosemary essential oil benefits are available as a result of using this method in helping get rid of arthritis pain. A hot compress helps increase blood flow to the affected areas that causes inflammation, it also helps relieve spasms, and soothes sore joints from arthritis flare-ups. Following these methods will provide arthritis relief from symptoms such as chronic joint pains, stiffness, swelling at arthritis wrist joints, or arthritis thumb joints.

Rosemary oil is an essential aid in the treatment of arthritis pain and should be included in arthritis relief treatment.

The Last Thing You Need to Know About Herbal Remedies for Arthritis

Arthritis is a painful and frustrating condition that can be difficult to live with. Luckily, there are several herbal remedies available that have been shown in research studies to help reduce inflammation and pain. Some of the most effective herbs for arthritis include turmeric, ginger, rosemary essential oil, aloe vera gel, or cayenne pepper. So don't let your stubborn arthritis get you down anymore! Try one of these herbal treatments today!

herbal remedies