7 Powerful Herbal Remedies for Managing High Blood Pressure: By N. Steele RN, BSN,MPH
7 Herbal Remedies for High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a serious health concern that can lead to heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. Fortunately, there are herbal remedies for high blood pressure that work well in managing the condition. Here are 7 powerful herbal remedies for managing high blood pressure:
What is High Blood Pressure?
Why Does High Blood Pressure Happen?
Women and men usually have high blood pressure as they get older because of the hardening of their arteries. Exercise and a plant-based diet can be beneficial as it helps reduce the risk associated with this condition.
What is Dangerously High Blood Pressure
What Can We Eat When Our Blood Pressure is High?
We can lower our blood pressure if we adjust our diet in a healthy way by consuming foods like high-potassium vegetables, fruits, and nuts. We can also lower our blood pressure by consuming foods that are high in potassium like tomatoes, potatoes, or bananas. Potatoes are a great way to increase your intake of folate which lowers the levels of homocysteine in your body! Homocysteine is an amino acid known to be responsible for blood clotting in the arteries, which in turn can lead to high blood pressure.
Fruits are a great way to lower your blood pressure and they have other health benefits such as anti-inflammatory properties that help with inflammation of the arteries! Two popular fruits for lowering high blood pressure include apples and cranberries. Oatmeal is a great source of potassium which has been shown to help lower blood pressure levels. Add cinnamon or nutmeg for an added flavor and nutrients.
Chia seeds are high in omega-three fatty acids, a healthy fat that has been proven beneficial in lowering the risk of heart disease when consumed on a regular basis.
What Are The 5 Symptoms of High Blood Pressure?
Five symptoms of high blood pressure may include headaches that may intensify as the day progresses, dizziness or lightheadedness when rising from a sitting position, chest pain on the left side of the breastbone that may radiate to the jaw and neck region, breathlessness with exertion, and palpitation, which can also indicate a heart attack. In addition to these symptoms, there are other signs such as cold sweat in places like your hands. There may also be a loss in sensation to the upper part of the body.
Does Coffee Raise Blood Pressure?
Coffee although popular can have negative effects on your blood pressure. Coffee is often used by persons who need that additional boost in the morning however coffee can lead to high blood pressure because it contains caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant and can lead to an increase in your heart rate, this will contribute to high blood pressure.
7 Herbs That Can Manage High Blood Pressure
Hawthorne Berries
Hawthorne berries have been used for centuries for various ailments. However these days it has especially gained popularity as a treatment for high blood pressure. Hawthorn berries are also called "nature's heart tonic". They have been found to be useful in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.
The leaves, flowers, and berries from this plant all contain flavonoids that help reduce stress on the heart muscles. This is especially helpful when it comes to treating those people who may already suffer from high blood pressure or other related ailments like diabetes.
Another benefit of Hawthorne berry extract is its ability to stimulate healthy levels of nitric oxide production which improves circulation by widening artery passageways (the endothelial cells lining these arteries produce more nitric oxide). This allows enough oxygenated blood to flow through your body due to increased arterial flow.
Garlic is an awesome herb that has many benefits for the body, but it has been used for centuries to treat high blood pressure. Garlic acts as a vasodilator or natural blood vessel relaxer, and it helps the body eliminate toxins through urine and sweat which can contribute to heart disease.
Garlic can be taken to lower blood pressure by boiling two cloves of garlic in a cup of water. Garlic can also lower blood pressure by taking garlic extract. Garlic is high in vitamins A, C, and E which are cardioprotective antioxidants that help the heart stay healthy by removing free radicals from the body.
Garlic also helps maintain a good cholesterol balance and it's rich in vitamin K which strengthens bones as well as acting like aspirin for your entire vascular system. As an herb with many benefits, garlic should be added to the daily diet of those struggling with high blood pressure!
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo biloba leaves have been used for thousands of years as medicinal herbs. They contain antioxidant compounds called terpenes, including ginkgolides and quinones. This helps protects cells from the damaging effects of oxidative stress that contribute to high blood pressure. It also improves circulation in small blood vessels, which can improve peripheral artery disease (PAD) symptoms such as cramping or numbness in your hands or feet after exercise.
Preliminary research has shown that taking an extract standardized to 24% flavone glycosides plus six other bioactive components may be more effective than currently available prescription medications at lowering high blood pressure by reducing resistance within the arteries while keeping the heart rate low and improving overall.
Ginseng has been used for years as a herbal remedy for high blood pressure. Red Ginseng is well-known as a powerful herb with many health benefits, including the ability to support healthy cholesterol and glucose levels in people who are at risk of heart disease or diabetes. Ginseng can only be used for a certain period of time, however, as it can cause side effects such as headaches and insomnia if used for too long.
Ginseng lowers blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels and preventing the production of angiotensin II, a hormone that causes vasoconstriction.
Although controversial ginseng has been studied in various research for example one study was conducted to determine if ginseng was able to reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients. This was done by collecting data from 10 studies with ginseng being the main herb for treatment. It was shown that out of 528 articles 2 showed positive results from the Korean red ginseng in reducing the blood pressure, while two others failed with the North American Ginseng. Further studies are needed with the two types.
Turmeric Root Powder
A number of studies have found that curcumin is a potent anti-inflammatory agent. However, when it comes to the cardiovascular system it is efficient in reducing blood pressure. In a study published in Clinical Nutrition Journal, it was shown that curcumin reduced blood pressure by up to 13% in just over 30 people with high blood pressure who were not taking any medications for their condition at the time of this research. Another study also revealed that persons with high blood pressure after taking curcumin for some time experienced an average of four-point drop systolic blood pressure and six points diastolic blood pressure. Hence we can conclude from these studies that regular use of curcumin can affect blood pressure in a positive way.
With its aromatic scent cinnamon has been used in various capacities, however, for cardiovascular health, it has been found to be beneficial in managing blood pressure. In a study conducted on cinnamon and high blood pressure, it was discovered that the consumption of one gram per day brought down systolic as well as diastolic BP by an average of four points each. Cinnamon can be mixed with foods, taken in capsule form, or used as tea. Be careful not to take too much as it can be upsetting to the stomach.
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper is a highly prized spice that has been used for centuries as a remedy for high blood pressure. It’s also been known to help with cholesterol, digestion, and weight loss. Using cayenne pepper for high blood pressure is useful and can be very beneficial for your health. Cayenne pepper helps high blood pressure by dilating the arteries and opening up the vessels, helping to lower high blood pressure levels. Cayenne peppers are a vasodilator that promotes good circulation throughout the body and relieves high blood pressure symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, etc.
The Last Thing You Need to Know About High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a major health concern. Fortunately, there are natural herbs that can help lower blood pressure and keep your heart healthy. We've compiled 7 of the most powerful herbal remedies for high blood pressure in the list above. If you're looking to manage or reduce your high blood pressure without medication, these may be worth checking out!